Covid-19 resources
March - 23 - 2020
As posted from the OAF Website:
COVID-19 RESOURCES **As of 5:00pm March 19th 2020** Advocates for Ohio’s Future and our partners want to make sure leaders know of and fix problems with the health care system as they address the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We want to understand and share as many people’s experiences and challenges so that leaders make helpful changes. Let us know your story and let your friends know to share theirs so we can give leaders a real-life view of the problems by completing and sharing this short survey
For updated public health information and resources specific to COVID-19, visit The Ohio Department of Health opened a call center to answer questions from the public regarding coronavirus (COVID-19). The call center will be open 7 days a week from 9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and can be reached at 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634)
Unemployment Insurance Benefits – If you have been requested by a medical professional, local health authority, or employer to be isolated or quarantined as a consequence of COVID-19, or have been laid off due to the lack of production caused by the coronavirus, you may file for unemployment benefits online at or by calling 1-877-644-6562. More Questions? Please visit Ohio Jobs and Family Services’ Coronavirus and Unemployment Insurance Benefits website for more information.
Health Care – If you do not have health care coverage or have lost it, you may be able to get affordable coverage through Medicaid or the Marketplace. Check first to see if you qualify for Medicaid at If you have changed or lost your job, you may be able to get affordable coverage through the Marketplace at Patients who need hospital care, but are unable to pay for it, may be eligible for free or reduced fee care at Ohio hospitals through the Hospital Care Assurance Program (HCAP). Applications for HCAP are accepted by the hospital where care was received, and patients seeking HCAP assistance should contact their hospital’s billing department for application instructions. There are a few resources for assistance with prescription costs. See these resources here
Child Support – If you are having problems paying child support or you need additional child support, contact your county child support enforcement agency (CSEA). The CSEA will consider your case and present a recommendation for a possible adjustment. The amount could go up, go down or stay the same. To find the CSEA in your county, call (800) 686-1556 toll-free or visit
Cash Assistance – You can apply for cash assistance online by going to or by filling out a “Request for Cash, Food and Medical Assistance” form and submitting it to your county department of job and family services. Ohio counties are waiving various work and community engagement requirements and granting good cause exemptions in light of the pandemic.
Child Care – ODJFS offers financial assistance to help eligible parents pay for child care while they work. Call your county department of job and family services. For more information, go to or call (877) 852-0010
Food – You can apply for food assistance online at To be eligible for food assistance through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps), your family income cannot exceed 130 percent of the federal poverty guidelines. You can check your eligibility by calling your county department of job and family services. More information about the program is available at
You may be eligible for The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), which is distributed through local nonprofit agencies, such as food pantries. To be eligible for TEFAP, your family income must be below 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines. To find a local food bank, visit
Pregnant women and children may also get food from WIC. You can apply by printing out a WIC Program Application and mailing it to the WIC clinic in your area. Please note that you must schedule an appointment at the clinic, too. To find a WIC clinic near you, please click WIC Clinic Directory or call 1- 800-755-GROW (4769).
Food and Nutrition Assistance for Children – The Ohio Department of Education has created a website to support whole-child nutrition at Refer to the map and map site key at for available meal service in your area. Contact your school or district for details about their meal programs.
Older Adults – You can find your Local Area Agency on Aging by going to or calling 1- 866-243-5678 to be connected to the area agency on aging serving your community.
Local Assistance – Dial 211 or see for local assistance on food, paying housing bills, accessing child care and other crisis help. Mental Health Help • Ohio Crisis Text Line Text keyword “4HOPE” to 741 741 • OhioMHAS Help Line 1-877-275-6364 • Find Substance Use Disorder and Mental Health Treatment • Disaster Distress Helpline 1-800-985-5990 1-800-846-8517 TTY o Text “TalkWithUs” to 66746 o Spanish-speakers: Text “Hablanos” to 66746 Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, year-round